Students should prepare a scale and a solo.
- Woodwinds / Brass Students: Prepare a scale of your choice (chromatic, if possible) showing your fullest range.
- String Students: Prepare a scale of your choice with as many octaves as you can play.
All students should prepare a solo that fully demonstrates their ability on their instrument. If multi-movement, excerpts from each movement is permitted. The solo should be unaccompanied.
- For consideration for Concert Orchestra: Solo should be WSMA Class A or B (or equivalent difficulty). Violinists and violists should demonstrate sufficient ability to play in third position minimally. Cellists should demonstrate sufficient ability to play in fourth position minimally.
- For consideration for Sinfonia Orchestra: WSMA Class B or C (or equivalent difficulty).
- For Percussionist students: Please prepare short pieces on snare drum and mallets. If you do not have the equipment, but would like to audition, please contact us!